Pengaruh Desain Poduk Terhadap Tingkat Penjualan


  • Windarini Cahyadiana STMIK ASIA MALANG


Kata Kunci:

Playability, Simplicity, and Practiced Skill


As the times and the development of human education level, then increasing as well one's expectations of the value of a product. Consumers are increasingly selective and have great expectations for the product to be used or bought. Thus, every owner of competing products and competing to meet expectations, desires and needs of consumers. One of the strategies undertaken by the owners of capital are to design their products as attractive, as unique and creative as possible. A product that has a unique design, attractive, and has an appeal to make the product more commercial value, compared to other similar products. If a product is able to make consumers act of purchase, the product can be said to be able to meet the needs, wants and expectations of consumers, and able to support the achievement of the owner of the product, which reached a high level of sales in order to achieve maximum profit. That is why the owners of the products do everything possible to mobilize all the ability and creativity to menanpilkan product with a very unique design, attractive, and has advantages and competitiveness, so that the products they are able to have a place in the hearts of consumers. Design products that can captivate consumers and has a sale value is a product design that Playability, Simplicity, and Practiced Skill as well as the advantages and competitiveness, so that the products they are able to have a place in the hearts of consumers. Design products that can captivate consumers and has a sale value is a product design that Playability, Simplicity, and Practiced Skill as well as the advantages and competitiveness, so that the products they are able to have a place in the hearts of consumers. Design products that can captivate consumers and has a sale value is a product design that Playability, Simplicity, and Practiced Skill,


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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