Perancangan Explainer Video Universitas Ma Chung Sebagai Inovasi Media Promosi
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Universitas Ma Chung, explainer videos, branding.Abstrak
Along with increasingly intense competition between universities in particular private universities. A university must have an branding of good and always trying to improve and maintain it. Universitas Ma Chung is an university located in Malang, East Java has made efforts increased promotional activities but the selected strategy still belongs to the public. The use of a common promotional strategy as done by other universities make positioning the Universitas Ma Chung becomes less strong. Explainer videos are a most attractive media in explaining about who or what is being worked on and promote a business at a time. Through the explainer videos, Universitas Ma Chung will be facilitated in the activities of promotion and branding. A method of designing explainer videos using qualitative approaches include discovery, script, storyboard, animation, and delivery. The results of the design produce alternative media promotion explainer videos-shaped with the aim of increasing awareness of Universitas Ma Chung.
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