Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media Informasi STMIK ASIA Berbasis Flash


  • Rina Dewi Indahsari STMIK ASIA MALANG
  • Aditya Tri Istanto


Kata Kunci:

interactive animation, effective information, media information, interactive multimedia,STMIK ASIA


Responding to the needs of STMIK ASIA in conveying lecture information to students effectively and economically, as well as the need for appreciation media, drafting concepts are designed to package how an interactive multimedia can be effectively and economically convey information and make an appreciation media for STMIK ASIA students.

The process of making this application includes collecting supporting data through observation and literature study. The application is made using a flash programming language (action script 2.0) with the support of the MySQL database, so that the content and features within it can be updated.

This research produces a multimedia application with audio and video support, equipped with a simple database system that is able to display information more interesting, interactive, and economical, as well as dynamic and easy processing of content data from the information itself.

Seeing from these results, it is urged to use attractive visual media, and can interact with users, in order to increase the effectiveness of using multimedia as a medium of information


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