Penerapan Mobile-First Design pada Antarmuka Website Profil Sekolah Menggunakan Metode Human-Centred Design (Studi Kasus: SMPN 21 Malang)
DOI: Kunci:
website profil sekolah, human-centred design, usability testingAbstrak
Schools can use technological advances by creating a school profile website. The school profile website can be used by schools as a promotional media and provide information. All this time, the website profile of SMPN21 Malang's school profile has been made improperly, its appearance is not attractive, and its access speed is so slow. The appearance of an unattractive school profile website and slow access speeds give the impression that SMPN21 Malang is not serious about using technology. From the problems that are owned by SMPN21 Malang, it is necessary to change the website profile of the school they have. In this research, the application of mobile-first interface design for the SMPN21 Malang school profile website was implemented using the interface development method, Human-Centered Design. Usability testing results show the usability of the prototype interface design that has been made has an average of 86.66%. While the results of testing the average access speed is 2.66 seconds.
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