Flood Monitoring and Early Warning System Based on Internet of Things (IoT)
Monitoring, Early Warning, IoT, Telegram, BlynkAbstract
Flood disaster is a problem that often occurs in Sragen Regency, mainly caused by the overflowing of the Bengawan Solo River during the rainy season with high rainfall and a duration of more than 4 hours. According to data from the Sragen Regency BPBD, over the past seven years, there have been 46 floods in 16 villages from 20 sub-districts in the Sragen Regency area. The impacts caused by this disaster include infrastructure damage, material losses, and threats to life safety, which are further exacerbated by the lack of available early warning tools, to reduce the impacts caused, an effective monitoring and early warning system is needed. This study aims to develop an Internet of Things (IoT)-based system that can monitor water conditions and provide early warnings via Telegram notifications using the Blynk application. This system is designed to provide accurate and timely information on water levels and early flood warnings to the community in Sragen Regency. In its development, this system uses an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to measure water levels, an ESP32 microcontroller for data processing, and Blynk IoT and Telegram bots as remote notification media. In addition, visual indicators such as LED lights and buzzers are used to provide early warning signals regarding potential flooding in the local area. The innovation offered by this IoT-based flood monitoring system focuses on real-time flood threat detection and anticipation. This study also developed a system integrating Blynk with Telegram, allowing fast notification delivery. The trial results showed that this system was able to detect water levels with an accuracy of up to 95%, provide early notification with an average latency of 1.2 seconds, and maintain connection stability of up to 99%. Through this research, it is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of IoT-based disaster mitigation technology. When compared to conventional systems, this innovation offers a high level of accuracy, more affordable costs, and ease of use, so it is expected to help disaster management officers and the community in mitigating flood risks and increasing disaster preparedness in Sragen Regency.
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