Analisis Penempatan Access Point Pada Jaringan Wireless LAN STMIK Asia Malang Menggunakan One Slope Model


  • Fransiska Sisilia Mukti STMIK ASIA Malang
  • Danang Arbian Sulistyo STMIK Asia Malang

Kata Kunci:

Access Point; WLAN; One Slope Model; Propagasi Indoor, Access Point, WLAN, One Slope Model, Propagasi Indoor


This study aims to analyze the placement of access points (AP) in the STMIK Asia Malang. The first approach is done by site survey, with the aim of getting information about number and placement of APs that are currently applied to the STMIK Asia Malang. The results of this walktest will be used as a parameter for theoretical calculations using the One Slope Model (1SM) propagation model. Based on 1SM calculation, the optimal distance for AP placement is not more than 13 m in LOS propagation (signal strength range around -10dB to -20dB, in the corridor area of ​​the building) and approximately 6m in NLOS propagation (signal strength range around -40dB up to - 50dB, for the class area). The results prove that the existence of the barrier affects the signal strength that received by the user, so that the placement of WLAN devices, in this case, AP, needs to be considered.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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