Pengembangan Modul Praktikum SPSS Versi 20 Pada Matakuliah Statistika Dan Probabilitas Berbasis WEB Untuk Memfasilitasi Keterampilan Pengujian Hipotesis Penelitian


  • Ratna Widyastuti Politeknik Kediri
  • Ellya Nurfarida Politeknik Kediri


Kata Kunci:

pengembangan modul, web, SPSS versi 20


Instructional media is a major element of the active learning process. Active learning emphasizes the activities of students in accessing information from various sources, to be discussed in the learning process in the classroom, experiences that not only increase knowledge, but also the ability of analysis and synthesis. Students are required to play a more active role in developing independent learning methods, starting from planning, implementing and evaluating the learning process. The use of statistical media must be equipped with a task sheet so that students remain active and critical learners. The well-designed web-based media development has the potential to become a virtual lab as a meaningful and interesting center for statistical learning. One of the subjects in D3 Informatics Engineering curriculum is statistical and probability. Hearing statistical words like specter must be learned. Statistics is a subject that studies descriptive statistics that focus more on describing data and inferential statistics that are more focused on testing statistical data so that they draw conclusions from questions that want to be followed. Modules as one of the teaching materials have one characteristic is the principle of independent learning. Based on the description, the researcher conducted a research on the development of a practical module testing hypotheses using SPSS 20 in the statistics and probability courses to achieve the planned learning goals, namely skilled in testing hypotheses using valid testing methods according to the characteristics of the research sample. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded: (1) The online learning system that has been created can be utilized by lecturers and students to manage lectures on the use of SPSS online which can be accessed through the internet in general. The address to access the system is, (2) The implementation of lectures using the online learning system will provide benefits both directly and indirectly to lecturers and students.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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