Implementasi Alat Prediksi Curah Hujan Menggunakan Metode Embedded System di Kelurahan Wonokoyo Kecamatan Kedungkandang Kota Malang


  • Ida Wahyuni STMIK Asia Malang
  • Philip Faster Eka Adipraja STMIK ASIA MALANG
  • Sri Anggraini Kusuma Dewi STMIK ASIA MALANG

Kata Kunci:

Curah Hujan, Kota Malang, Pertanian, Prediksi Curah Hujan, Implementasi


Wonokoyo Village is one of the villages in Malang City which is rich in agricultural potential. Many sugarcane and palawija agricultural commodities are produced by Wonokoyo village, especially in RW 5 which are collected by Ainul Hayat Farmers Group. However, due to erratic climatic conditions, rainfall is difficult to predict. Even though the amount of rainfall really determines the beginning of the planting period and the period of fertilization. So far, farmers have only relied on experience in determining the beginning of the planting period and the period of fertilization, but because of erratic rainfall there is often an error in estimating rainfall. Errors in predicting rainfall cause yields and quality of fertilization to be not optimal. Rainfall prediction tools are needed to estimate the average rainfall that will drop over the next ten days. By knowing the estimated rainfall, farmers will have guidelines in determining whether the next ten days are good to be used for the beginning of the planting period or fertilization period. Rainfall prediction tools are made with weather data recording sensors and embedded system software to predict rainfall. The method that will be used is a hybrid FIS-GA which has been used as a method of predicting rainfall. The output results displayed by the rainfall prediction are the average rainfall that will occur in the next ten days.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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